Coach Robin featured on jada pinkett-smith’s Red table talk day
Check out the Divorce recovery handbook that started it all!
WHat can you offer?
Do others look to you for support and wisdom?
Who comes to you to vent their dilemmas?
Who confides in you?
Who shares their hopes and dreams with you?
You have much to offer.
Become certified to coach in your desired field. Apply today.
What would you do if you had the opportunity to reach your goals while helping others reach their goals at the same time?
See, most of us at one time or another has spent time giving advice and pouring into others and we did it for free. While it is always good to help those in need, so many of us just GIVE away our time and energy for free or at a price waaay below what we KNOW we deserve! We brush it off by calling it “serving” or “blessing” others, but the surest way to become burned out is to pour into others continually without being poured back into. This why the coaching relationship is so important. The reciprocal nature of coaching allows you to still help others achieve their greatness while being compensated for your unique gifts and talents.
The coaching industry is well over $2 billion with no signs of slowing down. This industry is here to STAY! Do you know why? Because people are quickly finding out that that they can’t depend on the current economy and that jobs are just not guaranteed. (Most people hate their jobs anyway.) The wise person utilizes multiple streams of income. Why not you? Use what you ALREADY have in your hand. Use what you ALREADY know how to do and probably have ALREADY been doing to build YOUR dream. And you know what? I find that the most rewarding thing in the world is to get paid to help others realize their full potential. This is my dream and my calling.
That is why I created the Life Strategies NOW International Life Coach Certification Academy. There is a definite need for people to teach others how to get out of their own way and start LIVING—and I’m not just talking about the clients. I’m talking about YOU. YOU have a voice. YOU have something to offer the world. I’ve met so many brilliant individuals who have such wisdom and great advice that I KNOW will change lives, but they decide to sit on their gifts. What makes you special? Why you, you may ask? Why NOT you? No one can tell your story like you can. Everyone has their particular brand of advice and no one can give it quite like you. Did you lose weight or overcome illness by switching to a holistic lifestyle? Become a health and wellness coach. Did you walk away from your job to become an entrepreneur? Others are dying to know how to do the same! Become a business coach. Are you called to help others in a certain area of ministry? Become a spiritual coach. Did you pull yourself up by your bootstraps after a bitter divorce and come out on the other side with you and your children whole with nothing missing and nothing broken? Become a divorce recovery coach. Do you just love giving your friends relationship advice? Become a relationship coach. We are here to help you see the potential in YOU and give you the tools to EXECUTE your ambitions and bring your ideas to fruition.
In a sea of people who call themselves coaches, be a coach with the TRAINING to back up that title. Differentiate yourself by learning the skillset needed to help others change their lives. We provide cutting-edge training and support that will undergird you and help you succeed. Gone are the days of life coach certification programs just handing you a certificate and sending you on your way. Here at the Life Strategies NOW International Life Coach Certification Academy, you are in business FOR yourself, but never BY yourself. Not only will YOU be coached, but you will have assistance in building your coaching practice. You will be able to connect with a network of other coaches to share wisdom, advice, and accountability.
The bigger question is how much LONGER can you afford to NOT get your practice and your message into the world?
Imagine if you learned how to charge the going rate of $200 per coaching session twice per month. Where you would be 12 months from now with that extra cash flow? And that is just ONE client! What could you do with another $4,800 per year? How many know that even an extra $1000 could change the way you live? It might change where you live or help secure where your children go to school.
There are people who need YOUR gifts and talents. Don’t miss the opportunity to pour into someone else’s life. Get out of your own way so that you can help others get out of their own way.
For those who have the heart, passion, and most of all compassion for others, this is the career for you.
Now WHOSE ready to live the dream?
A Pathway
Become a coach. Discover your area of concentration. Serve your community.
A journey
Take continuing education courses. Cultivate your skills. Learn how to market your business.
A Destination
Grow your business with your own personal coach. Connect with a growing network of support. Live your passion.